


Despite its apparent complexity, Grid-13 is made up of only 3 basic shapes (square, right triangle, and trapezoid) and a complex polygon.



Grid-12 is made up of 4 shapes reflecting over the y axis.

The parallelograms are all slanted so that they are pointing towards the middle along with all 4 triangles.  In addition to this central cohesiveness, there is a general feeling of upward movement when looking at the piece as a whole. This is due to the upside-down triangular or v-shape: the top row of six parallelograms is greater than the following row of 4, the top triangle is larger than the bottom one, and the polygons on the higher row spread wider than those at the bottom row.



Grid-11 uses various poligons and simple shapes to form an ellaborate cross.

Crosses are some of the most ancient human symbols.  They have been used by religions (mostly known for Christianity) and can be interpreted in several ways.  One of these interpretations is the symbolic union of divinity (the vertical line connecting the celestial or divine), and the world (the horizontal line connecting everything that surrounds us).



Grid-10 is made up of two shapes: a square and an irregular polygon with mostly acute angles and long spikes.


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