
Octatrack MK1 users might be getting conditional locks!


Elektron recently launched updated versions of their boxes, including an Octatrack MKII.  Octatrack MKI owners might still benefit from this release as Elektron has now officially anounced via their website (see image below) that the MKII OS will be compatible with the MKI box and will "include the functionality of the MKII".  As you may have heard, the MKII will support conditional locks, which is a great way to add probabilities to your sequenced steps--opening up a whole lot of good fun.

Endless Instagram banner how-to


A few people have asked me how I do an endless Instagram feed so I decided to put together a quick tutorial of my workflow. First of all, this is not an on-the-go type of project so you will need an actual computer loaded with the latest version of Inkscape (free, poor man's illustrator).



VISION.VHS is a 2-volume concept album and experimental art project collaboration. As an art project VISION.VHS explores limitation, intuition, and interpretation. All artists were limited to the album titles and synopsis--they had no access to the music. This limitation added an unusual element of risk as there was no music to provide the additional guidance that is so common when creating album art. Removing musical influence from the creative process allowed for each artist to have a stronger personal influence in the work.

A beginner's guide to EURORACK


EURORACK!! The new trend is here and all the cool kids are doing it! Well, nope, nope, it’s not new, and hardly any kids are doing it, mostly middle-aged nerds that can afford.

Growing up in a computerized world with access to tons of free and mind-blowingly powerful open source plugins has been revolutionary and life-changing, but many people also feel that it has cursed them with overwhelmingly monotonous computer interactions.


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